Ravara Productions presents In The Heights - The Irish Premier
Time & Location
From :
Curtain :
23 August 2016
27 August 2016
Kerry Rodgers
Musical Director:
Adam Darcy
Rachel McAdam
About the Event
Following sell-out productions of Joseph (2013), Little Shop of Horrors (2014) and Les Miserables (2015), Ravara Productions presents an Irish premier of the brand new Tony award winning musical ‘IN THE HEIGHTS’!
‘IN THE HEIGHTS’, written by Lin-Manuel Miranda (the man behind critically acclaimed musical ‘HAMILTON’) is a truly unique musical theatre experience, bringing together a mix of salsa, soul, hip-hop and RnB music, exploring the issues affecting a Latino neighbourhood in New York through modern dialogue, hip hop and street dance!
This show is a must-see for any musical theatre fan, but the show’s alternative style of music and story telling has big appeal to those who wouldn’t normally go for a ‘musical’!
‘In the Heights is the West Side Story for a new generation’ - Chicago Sun-Times
‘This show generates enough energy to fuel the London power grid’ - The Guardian
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