Newcastle Glees Musical Society presents I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change!
Time & Location
From :
Curtain :
30 September 2016
8 September 2016
Neil Keery
Musical Director:
Gareth McGreevy
About the Event
I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change is presented in the form of a series of vignettes connected by the central theme of love and relationships. The play's tagline is "Everything you have ever secretly thought about dating, romance, marriage, lovers, husbands, wives and in-laws, but were afraid to admit." With few exceptions, the scenes stand independent of the others, but progress in a fashion designed to suggest an overall arc to relationships throughout the course of one's life. A first date, for example, comes before scenes dealing with marriage, and scenes dealing with marriage come before those dealing with child rearing. Despite the large number of characters, the show is being performed with a small cast of 6.
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