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Greenhills Variety Group presents Snow White and The Artful Dodgers

Greenhills Variety Group presents Snow White and The Artful Dodgers

Time & Location

From :

Curtain :

4 January 2010


9 January 2010


Dave 'Doc' O'Connor

Musical Director:

Dave 'Doc' O'Connor


Bronwyn Andrews

About the Event

What happens when Snow White meets the Artful Dodgers? This year Greenhills Variety group presents Snow White and The artful Dodgers, a story of the classic fairytale with a twist. With iconic songs such as "Consider Yourself" and new hits such as "Bad Boys" this promises to be the best panto in town for young and old alike. Get booking fast as with a large cast of kids and adults to booth tickets will be like gold dust. Oh no they won't .... oh YES they will

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