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The applications for our Bursaries are now OPEN!

This is YOUR time to get in tune with the next step in your career so don't delay and send in the application today.

Applications are now being invited for the following bursaries.

1. Anne O'Neill Bursary

2. AIMS Bursary

The closing date for applications is Friday 4th of June 2021.

Sincere thanks to the O Neill Family and AIMS National Council for continuing with these bursaries in current climate.

If you'd like to apply then a electronic application for the Bursaries with detailed account of your relevant musical theatre experience, your affiliation to an AIMS Affiliated Society (email from Chair/Secretary or committee member will suffice) Photos and proof of acceptance to a Musical Theatre Course is required.

Applications must be sent to AIMS National Secretary Frank Foley by Friday 4th of June.

If you think you'd hit the right note by applying for these bursaries then get in tune and get your application in.....

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