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Members and friends of the Newcastle Glees are undertaking the mammoth challenge of walking, cycling or running 5k a day for the month of February.

This is to help raise crucial funds to preserve our home, the stunning Annesley Hall Newcastle, during this exceptionally difficult time.

We would love as many people to come on board!!! Keep fit..... get the heads cleared..... and help our fabulous society make it through to the other side!

Any support, however big or small, could make all the difference and would be massively appreciated.

Please feel free to sign up... come on board and get fit for February!

Even like, share and spread the word to help boost support!

Head over to our JustGiving page for a wee read of the details of our Fundraiser!!! Or check out our Facebook page for further details

Link to our just giving page for any donations can be found here

Thanks in advance for your support


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