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Thurles Musical Society presents Jekyll and Hyde

Thurles Musical Society presents Jekyll and Hyde

Time & Location

From :

Curtain :

23 March 2010


27 March 2010


Tony Finnigan

Musical Director:

Mary Rose McNally


Tricia McElgunn & Rosalie Butler

About the Event

Thurles welcomes back Director Tony Finnegan for this show - Tony has previously Directed the huge success which was Jesus Christ Superstar in 2009, and The Hot MIkado in 2000 which won Best Overall Show at the annual AIMS Awards. Tony will be able assisted by Mary Butler as Assistant Director.
Mary Rose McNally is one again the Musical Director/Conductor while the Choreography is being looked after by Trisha McElgunn and Rosalie Butler. Tommy Sweeney returns as Stage Manager while Rita Callanan will be Stage Director.The massive part of Jekyll and Hyde will be played by Michael McLoughlin, a well known and popular figure in Thurles who has starred in many previous productions. This is a huge role for Michael whose last outing was as Coalhouse Walker Junior in Ragtime - a role which earned him an AIMS nomination. Linda Ryan plays the part of Lucy Harris; Joan Farrell is Emma Carew; Jonathon Gleeson plays John Utterson; John Scott is Sir Danvers Carew; John Hayes is Mr Simon Stride; Dixie Byrne - Lord Savage; Brendan Bailey, taking his maiden voyage with TMS, is the Bishop of Basingstoke; Nina Scott is Lady Beaconsfield; Brian Gleeson is Sir Archibald Proops; Barry Derby is General Lord Glossop; Shane Willoughby is Spider; and Nellie is played by Michelle O'Connell. Book early to avoid dissapointment

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